WWEM 2018 Success
The team have returned from their second time exhibiting at the Water, Wastewater and Environmental conference in Telford.
The event ran by industry partners including SWIG (Sensors for water Interest Group), WIPAC (Water Industry Process Automation & Control), The Pump Centre, WMSOC(The Water Monitoring Society), and The Royal Society of Chemistry is one of the biggest exhibitions of the year for the industry.
The Processplus team showcased the unique backboard design which had fully functioning process instruments measuring flow, turbidity, pH, chlorine and level. With an extensive product portfolio to select from the team had Siemens, Sigrist, ATi, iFm and Pi instruments on display.
Working with these leading manufacturers the Processplus team met with a number of visitors to talk all things process instrumentation and engineering.
A big thank you to the Sigrist team who joined us to promote their award winning Bactosense and the Strathkelvin team who has their own award winning Activated Sludge Controller - the ASP Con on display.
The 2 day event proved a great success!